LV DERMSLow-Voltage Distributed Energy Resources Management

Plan, See and Dispatch the LV Grid of the Future

Australian Energy Industry

DER and EV adoption are growing exponentially, and climate targets loom large. The Australian Energy Industry is rethinking distribution grid operations and evolving the role of Distribution Network Service Providers (DNSPs) across Australia. Adapting to this growth will require an array of new and fundamentally different approaches that attack the problem by working in from the edge of the network.

Powering use cases across millions of devices is what we do, and the low-voltage distribution network is where we live. Our customers are on the grid edge path already.

Itron's Grid Edge Solutions Portfolio enables DNSPs to evolve from AMI use case realization to real-time, grid edge infrastructure-based solutions and services.

Applications in the Grid Edge Solutions Portfolio solve business challenges from the substation to the consumer and beyond:


Australian LV-DERMS Solution

Itron's LV-DERMS solution for Australia builds on the strengths of our global platform but adds the necessary elements from our broad ecosystem of global partners to adapt to the rapid changes and distinctive requirements of the Australian market. Specifically:

  • DER Publisher, an evolution of Itron's Market Transaction System, ready for the change to JSON interface and purpose-built for the export of DOEs to the market and market participants
  • State estimation modeling software, from GridQube, for the construction and continuous improvement of an LV network model that can support real-time operations
  • IEEE 2030.5 CSIP-AUS compliant utility server, powered by Kitu

The Future of Operational Forecasting has Landed in Australia

Learn more about a forecasting framework and the concept of Dynamic Operating Envelopes supporting a new market mechanism Australia is evaluating for growing and managing distribution energy resources (DER), particularly solar PV generation and battery storage.

  • 2M+, 1GW+
    DEM devices and load under direct management

  • 30
    Utility Customers use Itron DEM solutions​

  • 89M+
    Endpoints across more than 1,360​ utilities use Itron Managed Services

Proven Solutions

  • Itron Forecasting

    Itron’s Metrix solutions are used by the world's largest system operators, including AEMO, for short-term forecast accuracy, reliability, scalability and flexibility. Combined with DER Optimizer, the solution scales to support forecasting at the transformer and NMI level to help utilities effectively manage challenges posed by DER by creating more accurate inputs to the DOE calculation process. Finally, our Metrix solutions also support long-term forecasting and used in conjunction with network planning tools provide a consistent model across short-term and long-term forecasting requirements.

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  • NEM Reform

    Our DER Optimizer technology assists energy retailers, utilities, DNSPs, and aggregators in preparing for NEM Reform. By integrating DER Optimizer, Metrix forecasting solutions, GridQube's state estimation engine, and a market interface, our LV DERMS solution provides visibility of the LV grid to Australian DNSP/DSO operators. This allows aggregators and retailers to capitalize on consumer owned DERs in a marketplace and facilitates emergency solar curtailment in cases of excessive generation. Real-time analytics enables the diversification into DER-based grid services, enhancing reliability, resiliency, engagement and sustainability. Explore our complete range of software APIs, and hardware solutions today.

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  • DER Optimizer

    Itron’s DER Optimizer enhances grid resilience by pinpointing DER locations, forecasting intermittent loads and offering precise control. Whether you want to tackle in-front-of-the-meter DERs or behind-the-meter DERs like EVs, solar inverters and battery storage systems—or a combination of all of these—this solution is modular so you can add functionality as your use cases increase.

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  • EV Optimizer

    Accelerate fleet electrification and EV adoption with smart charging management, grid analytics and orchestration. Use real-time data to optimize and balance the grid and EV charging using Itron’s EV Charging Optimizer solution.

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Featured Use Cases

  • Turning Behind-the-Meter DERs into Grid Assets​

    DER adoption is growing exponentially. The integration of DERs at scale requires the adoption of an array of new and fundamentally different technologies that will significantly alter the utility-customer relationship.​

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  • Forecast Framework for DERs

    Distributed energy resource forecasts are critical to the real-time load forecasts that system operators require. Explore the Integrated Energy Forecasting Framework (IEFF) and how this concept has been extended to long-term load forecasting.

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  • Real-time Analytics and Optimization

    Turning DERs into true grid assets requires real-time visibility and situational awareness of DER operations and grid conditions. Leverage native integrations with Itron’s DI platform and networks to deliver real-time DER analytics and optimization at the edge with latencies that cannot be matched through purely cloud-based solutions.

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  • System Reliability

    Supplement your contingency and spinning reserves with firm load curtailment from DERs to ensure system reliability during weather- or event-driven emergencies.

  • Non-wires Alternatives

    Use DER control to manage localized congestion on your distribution network and defer significant infrastructure investments and upgrades, increasing the DER hosting capacity without compromising reliability.

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  • Grid Asset Protection

    Protect vulnerable distribution infrastructure from dangerous over-loading and over-voltage conditions driven by DERs through real-time monitoring, situational awareness and locally optimized control.

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Proven results. Unparalleled innovation.

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